Prof. Dr. Ishrat Jahan Lucky
FCPS (Pediatrics)
MD (Pediatrics)
- Consultant & Coordinator, Dept. of Pediatrics & Neonatology, BSH PLC.
Prof. Dr. Ishrat Jahan Lucky
Consultant & Coordinator, Dept. of Pediatrics & Neonatology, BSH PLC.
Educational Qualification
- FCPS (Pediatrics)
- MD (Pediatrics)
Previous Experience
- Dhaka Shishu Hospital (1995-1996)
- Clinical Fellow & Medical Officer, ICDDRB (1998-2002)
- Dhaka Shishu Hospital (2003-2010)
- Assistant Professor, Enam Medical College & Hospital (2010-2013)
- Associate Professor, Enam Medical College & Hospital (2013-2016)
- Professor, Central International Medical College (2016)
- Chief Consultant, NICU & PICU Care Hospital (2008-2016)
- Chief Consultant, NICU & PICU Dhanmondi General & Kidney Hospital (2013-2018)
- Worked in the Pulmonology Unit of Dhaka Shishu (Children) Hospital for 6 years and gained comprehensive knowledge and experience in childhood asthma and chest disease management
- Received Clinical Fellowship training on Clinical management of Diarrheal Diseases and Research Methodology at ICDDR’B (1999 – 2001)
- One week training on Breast feeding and counseling at ICDDR.B, Dhaka (2001)
- Attended in East zone of Pedicon, held in Kolkata (2008)
- Attended in the 6th Asian Congress of Pediatric Infectious Diseases (ACPID 2012), which was held at the BMICH, Colombo, Sri Lanka (2012)
- Participated in Pulmonology workshop in Apollo hospital, Kolkata (2012)
- Attended in 50th National Conference of Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) in the Science City Convention Center, Kolkata, India (2013)
- Participated in workshop on Pediatric Critical Care in Kolkata (2013)
- Attended in 31st meeting of the European Society of Pediatric Infectious Disease at Milan, Italy
- Attended in 7th World Congress of the WSPID, Australia
- Attended in the symposium of EAVD, Geneva, Switzerland (2017)
Research Activities
- Waliullah SM, Islam MN, Siddika M, Hossain MA, Jahan I, Chowdhury AK. Evaluation of simple haematological screen for early diagnosis of neonatal sepsis. Mymensingh Med J. 2010 Jan; 19 (1): 41-7
- Jahan I, Rokonuddin K, Parveen L, Amin R. Foreign body in Lower oesophagus- An abnormal presentation, A case report.DS(Child)H J. 2010 June; 26 (1): 35-6
- Ghosh AK. Jahan I, Ahmed FU, Sarkar PK, Hanif M. Role of Beclomethason dipropionate inhalation form in reducing relapse in patient with Frequent relapse nephrotic syndrome with wheeze. DS(Child) H J 2010 June; 26(1):16-9.
- Jahan I, Ali MA, Waliuulah SM, Mia MAH, Hanif M. Relationship between serum IgE and frequent relapse nephrotic syndrome – a hospital based prospective study.Mymensingh Med J. 2011 July; 20(3):484-89
- Mia MAH, Hoque M, Jahan I, Chowdhury AK. Outcome of different grade of Perinatal asphyxsia in a tertiary care hospital. DS(Child) H J 2010 DEc; 26(2):87-89.
- Jahan I, Hanif M,Ali MA, Hoque M. Prediction of risk factors of frequent relapse nephrotic syndrome – a multi center hospital based retrospective study. Mymensign Med J. 2015 0ctober;24: 112-15.
- Jahan I, Parvez M, Yeasmin L. A case of congenital Tuberculosis in a tertiary care hospital, A case report.J.Enam Med Col 2011July;1(2):85-87.
- Jahan I, Akter S, Rupa SA. Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis with Measles-A case report. J. Enam Med Col 2011January;3(1):50-52
- Akter S,Hossain K, Moniruzzaman SM, Jahan I, Exclusive breastfeeding among Preterm Low Birth Weight Infants at one month follow up after hospital discharge. J. EMC 2011January;1(1):24-29.
- Jahan I, Ghosh AK, Khan AU, Hanif M. Role of Atopy in Frequent relapse Nephotic Syndrome ( Published in the Mymensignh Med J, 2015)
Special Achievement
- Working as a reviewer in the Panel of Pediatrics On Call (An International e-Journal)
- Worked as an International Editorial Board Member, Indian Journal of Trauma & Emergency Medicine
- Worked as a member of editorial board of Journal of Enam Medical College
- Facilitator, National Childhood TB program
Special Interest
- Newborn medicine & Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
- Childhood asthma and chest disease