Prof. Dr. A. N Nashimuddin Ahmed
M. Phil (Path)
WHO Fellow Immunology (UK)
- Consultant, Laboratory Medicine, BSH PLC.
Prof. Dr. A. N Nashimuddin Ahmed
Consultant, Laboratory Medicine, BSH PLC.
- “Cancer Prevention and Control Training Programme" Jointly sponsored by WHO & Cancer Institute-1982
- “Chronic Liver Disease Workshop" Jointly sponsored by BMRC & WHO, 1983
- "Prevention of Carcinoma Cervix by early Diagnosis" Using Screening followed by Cytopathology, July, 1987 jointly sponsored by WHO & BMRC.
- “Research & Teaching methodology" Sponsored by WHO & BMRC, 1989, & CME 1990.
- “Workshop on Cytopathology & FNAC" 1998, Oct. 1998 & January – 1999 Sponsored by BIRDEM & BSP.
- Research Methodology – BCPS- 2008
- Workshop on curriculum development and up gradation in BSMMU 2017
- Training program of Administration & Management BSMMU 2017
Research & Publication
- M. Phil Thesis of Dr. A. N. Nashimuddin Ahmed (Ahmed ANN), July, Department of Pathology, IPGM&R, entitled’ Effect of Electrical Stimulation on the Early Phase of Healing of Induced Fracture in Rat Tibiae ; July 1983.
- Ahmed ANN, Isalm KMN & Rahman MT, Prevalence of Malaria in the Urban Population of Dhaka City; An Experience Based on Microscopic Study of Peripheral Blood film. Bang Med J 1985, 14:07-73.
- Mannan MA, Mohammad QD, Islam KMN &Ahmed ANN, Study of Muscular Dystrohy Report of 30 cases, Bang J Neurosciene 1985, 1: 14-24.
- Ahmed ANN, Islam KMN, Islam MS, Rabbani KS & Rahman MF, Effects of Short Term Application of Pulsing Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) on organs of Rats. Bangladesh J Pathol 1986, 1:9-13.
- Muhsin AUM, et al (Co-author Ahmed ANN). Experimental Induction of Non-union in Frature Rat Tibiae: Evaluation of Technique. Bangladesh J. Pathol 1986, 1:40-47.
- Ahmed ANN, Islam KMN, Islam MS, Rabbani KS, & Rahman MF. Efect of Electrical Stimulation of the Early Phase of Healing of Induced Fracture in Rat Tibiae: Bang Med Res Counc Bull 1987, 13:69-79.
- Rahman MT &Ahmed ANN. Significance of Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate -A Short Review. Bangladesh J Pathol 1987, 2:38-43.
- Wadud MA, Bose BK, Ahmed S, Ahmed ANN. Bullous Dermatosis: Study of Ten cases in IPGM&R, J IPGM&R. 1987, 2(2):39-43.
- Khan HM, Mia MS, Ahmed ANN. Actinomycosis-A Case report. Bang J Dermatol 1987, 4:27-29.
- Haque MA. Manna MA &Ahmed ANN. A Case of Thymoma Presented with Occular Myasthenia after Thymectomy. Bang. J Neuroscience 1988, 4:67-47.
- Ahmed ANN. Wadud MA & Islam KMN. Familial Lichen Amyloidosis - A Case report. Bangladesh J Pathol 1988, 3:57-62.
- Alam MS, Ahmed ANN. Nasir TA, Islam KMN. Oestrogen Receptor Status in Series of Bangladeshi female mammary carcinoma patients and its correlations. Bangladesh J Pathol 1989, 4: 1-6.
- Haq ME, Ahmed ANN. Nasir TA, Islam KMN, Khan HN &Wadud MA. Cutaneous Immunofluorscene Study and Co-relation Clinico-Pathological Study. Bangladesh J Pathol 1989, 4:33-40.
- Islam ASMA, Khan ANGA, Ahmed ANN& Ahmed T. ConjuctivalRhinosporidiosis Report of 3 cases. Bangladesh J Pahology 1989, 4:61-64.
- Ahmed ANN, Haq SH & Huda MS. Giant Lymphoid Hamartoma- A case report. Journal Bang CollPhysSurg, 1990, 89:39-42.
- Haque A, Ahmed ANN& Fakir MNH. A Case of Haemoglobin-E disease with convulsive Disoder, Hemiplegia, Mental Retardation and Recurrent Febrile Illness in a 19 year old Male patient. Bang J Neuroscience, 1989: 5(2): 80-84.
- Amin MN, Islam KMN, Ahmed ANN, Dhatta PG, Amir ASM & Abdullah M, Ewing’s Sarcoma of Maxilla-A Case report. Bangladesh Med Res Council Bull, 1990:16(1): 42-45. *
- Muhsin AUM, Ahmed ANN, Islam KMN, Islam MS &Rabbani KS, Effect of Pulsing Electromagnetic field ( PEMF) of induced Non-unions in Rat. Bangladesh Med Res Council. Bull, 1991, 17 (1) : 1-10. *
- Khan ANGA, Gomes DJ AND Ahmed ANN, Keratomycosis-A Review. Bangladesh J Pathol, 1991, 6(1): 20-25.
- Zaman MA, Ahmed ANN, Chowdhury MZU and ahmed MKU. Surveillance Study of Hospital Acquired Infection (HAI). J. Bang CollPhysSurg (BCPS), 1992, 10 (1): 9-13.
- Khan ANGA, Huda MS, Ahmed ANN, Hossain T. Sultana N and Ali SMK. Detection of Early Xeropthalmia by Impression Cytology and Rose Bengal Staining –A comparative Study. Bangladesh Med Res Counc Bull, 1992, 18(1): 1-11. *
- Mohibullah AKM, Islam MN, Alimuzzaman M, Ahmed ANN, Ahmed T, Zafar A, Islam KMN & Malik A. Biopsy study of Atrial Appendages and lung Tissues in Rheumatic Mitral Stenosis, Bangladesh J Pathol 1993, 8(2) : 36-40.
- Haq HE, Ahmed ANN, Nasir TA, Islam KMN. Study of Direct Immunofluorescence patterns in different cutaneous disorders. J. Bang CollPhysSurg, 1994, 8(2): 1-9.
- Tabssum S, Rahman KM, Mamun KZ, Ahmed ANN, Islam KMN & Rahman H. Immunofluoresent Microscopic findings in Glomernlonephritis. Bangladesh Med Res counc Bull, 1997; 23 (3): 77-81.
- Tabbasum S, Nmamun KZ, Ahmed ANN, Rahman H, Rahman KMR Islam KMN. Diagnosis of Glomernlorephritis- Role of Immunofluorescent Microscopy. Bangladesh J Pathol 1997. 12 (2): 12-15.
- Ahmed ANN, Faecal Occult Blood Test- Recent concept. Editorial. Bangladesh J Pathol 1999, 14 (2)1-2.
- Paul PC, Misbahuddin M, Ahmed ANN, Dwean ZF &Mannan MA. Accumulation of arsenic in tissues of iron deficient rats. July 2002, Toxicology letter, 135:193-197. *
- Hague MM, Islam AFMS &Ahmed ANN Study of histological diagnosis of bone tumor July 2002, J. Ortho Soc. 17 (I):
- Ahmed ANN, Hossain AKMM, Islam NN & Alam MN. Pneumocystis carinii infection in AIDS patient- A case report. Bangladesh J Pathol. 2002,17(2): 16-18
- Ahmed ATN, Shah RZ, Ahmed ANN, Rahman Q & Mahmud H. De-worming campaign among Bangladesh school children demands concomitant improvement of community sanitation status. Proceedings of the IX European Multicolloquium of parasitology. Vol-2, articles of free oral papers & posters. Spain, July 18-23, 2004
- Sinha S.K. Misbahuddin M &Ahmed ANN Factors involved in the development of chronic Arsenic poisoning in Bangladesh, November 2003, Arch. Environ health , 58 (II); 699.
- Role of nuclear grading of breast carcinoma in FNAC specimen. Bangladesh Journal of Pathology .i. 2005; 20:2: 14-17
- TuhinSultna, Abdul AllamChowdury, Quddusr Rahman, AN Nashimuddin Ahmed, AJE Nahar Rahman A single pathological grading system for breast carcinoma should be adopted in Bangladesh. Bangladesh J Pathol 2009. 24 (2) :11-14
- A. Nesa, SF Munir, T. Sultana, MQ Rahman, MS. Shomik, ANN Ahmed Value of discrimination indices in screening of beta thalassaemia trait Bangladesh J Pathol 2010. 25 (1) : 14-17
- Value of dysmorphic red cells and GI cells by phase contrast microscopy in the diagnosis of glomular diagnosis. Mymenshing Medical Journal 2010.
- Role of discrimination indices in differentiation of beta thalassaemia trait & iron deficiency anaemia. Mymenshing medical journal, 2010.
- Myelodysplastic syndrome with tuberculoiss which develop to AML- A case report. Bangladesh Journal of pathology; 2009; Vol 24 (1); 25-27.
- KhaladaBinteKhair, Mohammad Asadur Rahman, Tuhin Sultana, Chandan Kumar Roy, Md. Quddusur Rahman, MohammodShahidullah, A. N. Nashimuddin Ahmed. Role of hematologic scoring system in early diagnosis of neonatal septicemia. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Jounral- 2010; Vol-3, (2) 62-67.
- Sultana T. Sultana T, Rahman MQ, rahman F, Islam MS, Ahmed AN. Value of dysmorphic red cells and GI cells by phase contrast microscopy in the diagnosis of Glomerular diseases. Mymenshing Medical Journal 2011; Vol-20, No-1 (71-77).
- Nesa A, Munir SF, Sultana T, Rahman MQ, Ahmed AN. Role of discrimination indices in differentiation of Beta Thalassaemia Trait and Iron Deficiency anaemia.. Mymenshing Medical Journal 2011; Vol-20, No-1 (110-114).
- KhaladaBinteKhair, Mohammad Asadur Rahman, AyatunNesa, LubnaKhondker, Chandan Kumar Roy, Tuhin Sultana, Md. Quddusur Rahman, A. N. Nashimuddin Ahmed. Evaluation of Hematologic Parameters and C - reactive protein as Early Predictors for Neonatal Septicaemia. Bangladesh Journal of Pathologist- 2010; Vol-25, (2) 14-18.
- KhaladaBinteKhair, Mohammad Asadur Rahman, Chandan Kumar Roy, Tuhin Sultana, Md. Quddusur Rahman, A. N. Nashimuddin Ahmed. Chronic EosinophilicLeukemia : A case Report. Bangladesh Journal of Pathologist- 2010; Vol-25, (2) 33-35.
- ZohraKhatun, Chandan Kumar Roy, Tuhin Sultana, Md. Quddusur Rahman, A. N. Nashimuddin Ahmed. Role of Light Emitting Diode (LED) Fluorescence Microscopy in the Diagnosis of Smear. Negative Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Bangladesh Journal of Pathologist- 2011; Vol-26, (1) 3-6
- MS Yesmin, ANesa, T Sultana, MQ Rahman, A.NN Ahmed. Haematopoietic Recovery on Induction Therapy in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia by automated Reticulocyte analysis.. Bangladesh Journal of Pathologist- 2011; Vol-26, (1) 3-6.
- T Sultana, T Sultana, M Rahman, ANN Ahmed, HU Rashid. Papanicolaou Stain of Urinary Red cells morphology in The Diagnosis of Glomerular Disease. Bangladesh Renal Jounral-2009; 28 (1): 1-5
- Khatun Z, Kamal M. Roy CK, Sultana T, Rahaman MQ, Azad MBAS, Ahmed ANN. Usefulness of light emitting diode (LEF) fluorescent microscopy as a tool for apid and effective method for the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. Bangladesh Medical Research Council Bulletin. Vol 37 No- 1 April-2011
- Yesmin S, Sultana T, Roy CK, Rahman MQ, Ahmed ANN. Immature reticulocyte fraction as a predicator of bone marrow recovery in children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia on remission induction phase. Bangladesh Medical Research Council Bulletin. Vol 37 No- 2 August-2011
- Farida Yesmin, Mohammad Asadur Rahman, Akmat Ali, Tuhin Sultana, Md. Quddusur Rahman, AN Nashimuddin Ahmed,Projesh Kumar Roy. Role of immunological methods of Fecal Occult Blood Test for Screening Colorectal Diseases. BSMMU Journal.2011 Vol-4 (2), 76-80.
- Gazi Sharmin Sultana, Ahmed ANN et al: Role of red cell distribution width (RDW) of peripheral blood film (PBF) in determination iron deficiency in pregnancy. Bangladesh Journal of Pathology. Oct- 2011, 26(2) 8-11.
- Farida Yeasmin, AN Nashimuddin Ahmed, Histopathological outcome of Fecal Occult Blood test Positive patients in a Tertiary Hospital of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Pathology. Oct- 2011, 26(2) 12-11.
- Khatun Z, AN NashimuddinAhmed,Rahman MQ et al. Light emitting Diode (LED) Fluorrscent Microscopy : a Milestone in the Detectin of Paucibacillary Mycobacterium in Case of Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Bangladesh Medical Journal 2011, Vol. 40 No-1 (22-26)
- Islam MS, AN NashimuddinAhmed,Rahman MQ et al. Evaluation of serum calcium level measurement in total Thyroidectomy patient- A prospective study in tertiary Hospital.. Bangladesh J. Med. Biochem. 2011; (1): (4-9).
- Islam MS, AN NashimuddinAhmed,Rahman MQ et al. Hypocalcaemia in relation to female gender and thyroid diseases in total thyroidectomy patient. Journal of Comilla Medical College Teachers Association.
- Khair KB, Ahmed AN, Rahman MQ et al. Ealy diagnosis of Neonatal Septicemia by Hematologice Scoring Syste. C - reactive protein and Serum Haptoglobin. Mymensing Med J 2012 jan; 21 (1).(85-92).
- Chakraborty L, Ahmed AN, et al. Comparative Study of Total Prostate Specific Antigen and Free to Total Prostate Specific Antigen Ratio in the Diagnosis of prostate Cancer. Mymensing Med J 2012 jan; 21 (1). (98-102).
- Haque MF, Ahmed ANN et al. A comparison of GFR by modified gates method with measured Creatinine Clearance Rate (CCR) & MDRD formula based estimation in type 2 Diabetic subjects with nephropathy. Mymensing M J 2013 Oct Vol 22 (4) (655-660)
- N. Barman, Ahmed ANN et al “Assement of risk factor of multidrug resistat tuberculosis with emphasis on serum zinc. Bangladesh Medical Journal jan 2014 43 (1) 3-8
- Yasmin F, Ahmed AN et al “Evaluation of Hemoglobin and platelet countin pre-eclamptic women. Dinajpur Medical College Journal. Jan 2014 Vol-7 (1) ( 26-31)
- Dr. Md. Nazrul Islam Chowdhury, ANNashimuddin Ahmed,Projesh Kumar Roy. A Comparative study between helicobacter pylori antigen in stool with histopathology and rapid urease test of endoscopic biopsy in peptic ulcer disease patient. Thesis September 2013.
- SharmineZamanUrmee, AN Nashimuddin Ahmed et al. Oral Manifestation of a patient of systemic Lupus Erythomatosus : A case Report. Bangladesh J Otorhinolaryngol 2015, 21(1) : 57-59.
- Dr.SheulyFerdosuhi, AN Nashimuddin Ahmed et al. Role of alanine transaminase, Prothrombin time and HBV-DNA in the diagnosis of chronic hepatitis B induced hepatic fibrosis.
- Dr.ZinatRehena, AN Ahmed et. al. Comparison of serum CA 72-4 and CEA levels in patient with Endoscopically suspected gastric carcinoma. Mymenshing med J 2015 Jul; 24 (3) : 542- 549.
- Dr. Mohammad Monzurul Alam Bhuiyan, ANNAhmed et al. Occurrence of coronary artery disease in patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus can be predicted by neutrophil lymphocyte ratio. Bangladesh Med J. 2015 sept : 44 (3): 130 – 135.
- Dr.Mousumi Ghosh, ANN Ahmed et al. Gamma-glutamyltranferase is an indicator of gestational diabetes mellitus. Bangladesh Med J. 2015 sept : 44 (3): 152 – 156.
- Mondal BR, Ahmed AN et al. Alanine Aminotransferase and total bilirubin concentration in preeclampsia and Eclampsia. Mymensing Med J. 2016 Jan, 25 (1) 84-90.
- Yesmin F, Ahmed AN et al. Evaluation of Serum Ferritin Concentration in Mild and Severe Pre-Eclamptic women. Mymensing Med J. 2016 Jan, 25 (1)
- Sultana GS, Rahman MQ, Ahmed AN et al. Role of red cell distribution width (RDW) in teh detection of iron deficiney anaemia in pregnancy within the first 20 weeks of gestation. Bangladesh Medical Research Council Bulletin. 2011, Vol 37 (3) 102-105.
- Kader A, Ahmed AN et al. Evaluation of Red cell Width in Critically Ill patients admitted in intensive care unit. Dinajpur Med Col J 2015 Jan: (1)-67-73.
- Islam MS, Ahmed ANN. Evaluation of serum parathyroid hormone level measurementin total yhyroidectomy patient. Bangladesh J otorhinolarygol 2017 ; 23(1) : 5-10
- Ferdoushi S, Islam MS, Ahmed AN et al. Assessment of Connective Tissue Growth Factor and Hyalunoric Acid in the Diagnosis of Hepatic Fibrosis in Chronic Hepatitis B, Dinajpur Medical College Journal 2017 July: 210- 2017.
- Md. Deldar Hossain, Debatosh Paul, A N. Nashimuddin Ahmed, et al. Prognostic value of serum uric acid in hospital mortality and morbidity in patients with acute myocardial infarction. University Heart Journal. Vol.12 No.1 Janary-2016-(8-11)
- Kanti Paul T, Paul D, Nashimuddin Ahmed ANN, et al. Value of Neutrophil (Lymphocyte Ratio), Red Blood Cell Distribution Width, mean Platelet Volume and C - reactive protein in the Assessment of Major Depressive disorder. Austin Journal of Clinical Pathology, Volume 4 Issue-2-2017
- Nasreen T, Islam MS, Ahmed AN et al. Microalbuminuria in newly detected type-2 diabetes patients: A pilot study. Shaheed Syed Nazrulislam Med col. 2018, jan; 3(1).
- Nasrin Jahan, Ahmed AN et al. Association of Red cell Distribution width and Hba1c in Type-2 diabetes mellitus. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Science, e-ISSN-2279-0853,P-ISSN : 2279-0861, Volume 17, Issue 8 Ver, 10 Aug-2018m PP-17-21. www.iosrjournals.org
- M.Phil. in Pathology (DU),FCPS (BCPS), PG Immunology London University (UK)
- Technical Leader in department of Lab medicine and established large & complex laboratory medicine in BSMMU and Designed professional standard for laboratories – SOP, clinical lab standard
Previous Experience
- Professor, Department of Laboratory Medicine, July 2015 to March 2018 Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU), Shahbag, Dhaka-1000
- Professor & Chairman, June 2000 to July 2015 | Department of Clinical Pathology (Laboratory Medicine) Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU), Shahbag, Dhaka-1000
- Associate Professor & Chairman ,April 1998 to June 2000 | Department of Clinical Pathology. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU), Shahbag, Dhaka-1000
- Associate Professor & Head, Feb 1995 to April 1998 | Department of Clinical Pathology PGM&R, Dhaka.
- Consultant, March 1993 to Feb 1995 | Histopathology& Cytopathology Aflaj General Hospital Riyadh. KSA
- Associate Professor, Dec 1991 to March 1993 | Department of Pathology Cancer Institute & Research Hospital, Dhaka.
- Assistant Professor, July 1988 to April 1991 | Department of Pathology Dhaka Medical Collage, Dhaka.
- Assistant Professor, Sep 1983 to July 1988 | Department of Pathology (Histopathology) IPGM&R, Dhaka. (06 Month on deputation to UK for post graduate course in immunology)
- Lecturer, March 1980 to July 1981 | Department of Pathology Dhaka Medical Collage, Dhaka.
- Medical Officer, Feb 1978 to March 1980 | Keranigonj Thana &BangabhabanDisp Dhaka.
- Assistant Surgeon (Trainee), Dec 1976 to Feb 1978, SSMC & Mitford Hospital, Dhaka.
Special Achievement
- President Bangladesh Society of Pathologist
- Expert Committee member of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare on Adverse Effect on Following Immunization (AEFI).
- President, Society of Clinical Pathologists, Bangladesh
- Executive Committee member of Bangladesh Society of Pathologists, Bangladesh
- Life member of Bangladesh Medical Association
- Life member of Officers club Dhaka & Ex Chairman Health Subcommittee officers club, Dhaka
- Life member of US & Canadian Academy of Pathology (USCAP)
- Jugol Life member Kushtia ZilaSamity, Dhaka
- Life member Uttara sector 13 KallyanSamity, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Ex Board member Bangladesh Accreditation Board (BAB)
Success Story
- Upgraded Dept. of Clinical Pathology into Laboratory Medicine Dept. of BSMMU.
- Introduced M.Phil. later Upgraded to MD course in Lab Medicine of BSMMU.
- Established Society of Clinical Pathologist (Laboratory Medicine).
- With new development of Laboratory Medicine dept. like AIIMS New Delhi, India. Government made an order to change Dept. of Clinical Pathology to Laboratory Medicine Dept. in all Govt. Medical College Hospitals.