DR. Forhad Hossain Chowdhury
FCPS (Surgery)
MS (Neurosurgery)
- Skullbase, Neurovascular (Stroke) & Endoscopic Neurosurgeon
DR. Forhad Hossain Chowdhury
Skullbase, Neurovascular (Stroke) & Endoscopic Neurosurgeon
- Department of General Surgery, for six month under Professor TIMA Faruuque, Sir Salimullah Medical College & Mitford Hospital, Dhaka.
- Department of Casualty Surgery, for six month under Associate Professor Ziaur Rahman, Dhaka Medical College & Hospital, Dhaka
- Department of Surgery, for 18 month under Professor ASM Sharfuzzaman, Sir Salimullah Medical College & Mitford Hospital, Dhaka.
- Department of Neuro-Surgery, for 18 month under Professor Naushaer Alam, Sir Salimullah Medical College & Mitford Hospital, Dhaka.
- Department of Neuro- Surgery, for 12 month under Professor Mainul Haque Sarker, Sir Salimullah Medical College & Mitford Hospital, Dhaka.
- Department of General Surgery, for six month under Professor TIMA Faruuque, Sir Salimullah MMedical College & Mitford Hospital, Dhaka.
- Department of Neurosurgery, for 03 years under Professor Mainul Haque Sarker, Dhaka Medical College & Hospital, Dhaka.
- Department of Neurosurgery, Seth G S medical College and KEM hospital Mumbai, India, Three month Microneurosurgery training under Professor Atul Goel
- Participated in different many national and International neurosurgical societies and institute ( BSNS, SAARC Association of Neurosurgeons, Neurological society of India, Americaln association of Neurological Surgeons-AANS,WFNS, Asian Association of Neurological Surgeons etc.)
Research & Publication
- 1. Nausher Alam, M.Raziul Haque, Md Kamaluddin, A.C Sarker, A.K.M.Akhtar Murshed, M.S.K Khan, S.K Saha, M.R Rahman, T.A Chowdhury, F.H Chowdhury. Cervical spinal injury: experience with 82 cases. International Congress Series 2002(December);vol.1247:591-596
- 2. Chowdhury FH, FCPS; Haque MR, FCPS; Islam MS, PhD; Sarkar MH, MS. Juxta facet cyst of a lumbar facet joint in an old man-a case report and literature review. Journal of surgical sciences 2008, vol-12,no.2;35-37.
- 3. Chowdhury F H, FCPS; Chowdhury NK, MS; Haque MR, FCPS; Islam MS, PhD; Chowdhury MHA, MS; Sarkar MH, MS. Peripharal nerve tumors: It's Profile and surgical outcome. CMSGHJ Journal 2008,Vol 8:no 1,11-16
- 4. Haque MR, FCPS; Chowdhury FH, FCPS; Sarkar AC, FCPS; Islam MS, PhD; Sarkar MH, MS;Chowdhury Noman Khaled SM, MS; Hossain SS, FCPS.Anterior approach to upper dorsal spine:Manubrioclaviculotomy and median sternotomy-our experience.Journal of surgical sciences 2008,vol-12,no.2;7-10.
- 5. Khaled CN; Raihan MZ; Chowdhury FH; Asadullah ATM; Sarkar MH; Hossain SS. Surgical management of traumatic extradural haematoma:Experiences with 610 patients and prospective analysis.Indian journal of Neurotrauma 2008 vol.5, no.2; 75-79
- 6. Khaled CN, MS; Haque MR, FCPS; Chowdhury FH, FCPS; Islam MS, PhD; Mahboo AH, MS; Ara SA, MBBS.Surgical management of plexiform Neurofibroma:An experience of 11 cases.CMSGHJ Journal 2008,Vol 8:no 2,32-36
- 7. Chowdhury N K S M, MS, Chowdhury F H, FCPS, Haque M R, FCPS, Mirjada M R, FCPS, Sarkar M H, MS, Hossain, S S, FCPS; Reliability and benefits of clinical examination for determining the affected level in cervical compressive myelopathic patient: A prospective study of 44 cases. Journal of Chittagong Medical College Teachers Association 2008 vol.19, no.2 ;12-15. 20.
- 8.Chowdhury F H, Haque M R, Islam S M, Aich M L, Kawsar K A, Haque M, Sarkar M H. Endonasal transspheroidal approach to pituitary surgery: Experience of 55 cases, Bangladesh Journal of otorhinolaryngology 2009, vol 15, No. 2; 45-49
- 9.Chowdhury F H, Haque M R, Chowdhury S M N K, Islam S M, Ara S A, Sarkar M H. Surgical management of carpal tunnel syndrome. A study of 21 cases. CMSGHJ, Vol 9, No.1, 24-29
- 10. Chowdhury FH , Haque MR, Islam MS, Kawsar KA, Alam MK. An unusual orbitocranial through and penetrating injury by in situ teta: Can we do better for this type of unfortunate patient? J Dhaka Med Coll 2009;18(2):185-187
- 11. Dey AC, FCPS; Mannan MA, MD; Chowdhury FH, FCPS; Shaha L, FCPS. Facio-scapulo-Humeral Muscular Dystrophy - A Case Report. Bangladesh Journal of child health 2009, vol 33: No. 3: pp 114-116
12. Chowdhury FH, Haque MR, Sarkar MH, Ara S, Islam MS . White Fiber Dissection of Brain; the Internal Capsule: A Cadaveric Study. Turkish Neurosurgery 2010, Vol: 20, No: 3,326-334
13. Chowdhury FH, Haque MR, Islam MS, Sarkar MH, Kawsar KA. Bony reconstruction by reposition of bony chips in suboccipital craniectomy. Neurology India2010;58(4);34-36
14. Chowdhury F H, Haque MR, Islam MS, Sarkar MH. Retroperitoneal myospherulosis extending to gluteal region through ileum: Presenting as a case of sciatica International Original Principal Asian Journal of neurosurgery;2010,05:91-94
15. Chowdhury FH, Khan A. Anterior and lateral extension of optic radiation & safety of amygdalohippocampectomy through middle temporal gyrus:A cadaveric study of 11 cerebral hemispheres. Asian Journal of Neurosurgery;2010,05:78-82
16.Chowdhury FH, Haque MR, Islam MS, Sarkar MH, Kawsar KA, Sarkar AC. Microneurosurgical management of intractable temporal lobe epilepsy by amygdalohippocampecty plus standard temporal lobe epilepsy:our experience of initial five cases in Bangladesh . Asian Journal of Neurosurgery, 2010,06:pp-38-42
17. Chowdhury FH, Khan A. Papz circuit: Anatomical study by cadaveric dissection Pan Arab Journal of Neurosurgery,2010;14(2):75-80
18. Chowdhury FH, Haque MR, Islam MS, Sarkar MH, Haque M. An asymptomatic huge intracranial glossopharyngeal/vagal schwannoma in a very young male: A case report-Pan arab Journal of neurosurgery
Panarab Journal of Neurosurgery, Volume 17( 3), 2013:1-4.19. Chowdhury F H , Haque MR , Islam M , Sarkar MH , Alam SM. Management Difficulties of Cerebeller Haemangioblastoma A Case Report and Literature Review. J Medicine 2010; 11 :155-158
20.Chowdhury FH,Haque MR,Islam MS,Kawsar KA,Sarkar MH.Retoperitoneal Giant Schwann cell Tumors:Report of a Schwannoma and A Malignant Schwannoma. Journal of surgical science2010;14(2):103-105
21. Chowdhury FH , Haque MR, Islam MS , Sarker AC, Islam AFMM. Microneurosurgical Management Of Intractable Temporal Lobe Epilepsy(TLE)from Mesial Temporal Sclarosis(MTS)by Amygdalohippocampectomy Plus standard Anterior Temporal lobectomy:A Report of Three Cases.Journal of Medicine2011;12:61-65
22. Chowdhury F H, F.C.P.S., Haque M R, F.C.P.S., Islam M S, Ph.D., Sarkar M H, M.S.Giant schwannoma of median nerve at forearm:A case report-Journal of BCPS, Vol. 29, No. 3, July 2011
23. Chowdhury FH, Haque MR, Chowdhury NKSM, Islam MS, Raihan Z, Sarkar MH. Surgery at Cranio-vertebral (CV) Junction: Our Experience of 32 Cases. J Bangladesh Coll Phys Surgs 2011,29;78-84
24. Chowdhury FH, Haque MR , Islam MS, Kawsar KA, Sarkar MH . Endoscopic transnasal repair of CSF rhinorrhea: Techniques and out come. Bangladesh J Otorhinolaryngol 2011; 17(1): 14-20
25.FH CHOWDHURY, MR HAQUE, SMNK CHOWDHURY, AR DEY, AC SARKER, MS ISLAM. Neurosurgical Management of Intractable Temporal Lobe Epilepsy by Amygdalohippocampectomy Plus Anterior Temporal Lobectomy: Report of Initial Three Pediatric Cases with Short Literature Review BANGLADESH J CHILD HEALTH 2011; VOL 35 (1): 26-31
26.MD. RAZIUL HAQUE, FORHAD HOSSAIN CHOWDHURY, MD. SHAFIQUL ISLAM, KHANDKAR ALI KAWSAR, AFM MOMTAZUL HAQUE. Tuberculomas in the Cavernous Sinus, Temporal Lobe and Basal Subarachnoid Spaces. J MEDICINE 2012; 13 : 75-76
27. Forhad H. Chowdhury, Mohammod R. Haque, Atul H. Goel & Khandkar A. Kawsar.Endoscopic endonasal extended transsphenoidal removal of tuberculum
sellae meningioma (TSM): an experience of six cases. British Journal of Neurosurgery 2012 Early Online: 1–8. DOI: 10.3109/02688697.2012.67364828. Chowdhury FH, Haque MR. Endoscopic assisted microsurgical removal of cerebello-pontine angle and prepontine epidermoid. J Neurosci Rural Pract 2012;3:414-9.
29. Forhad Chowdhury . Mohammod Haque , Khandkar Kawsar , Shamim Ara , Quazi Mohammod ,Mainul Sarker , Atul Goel .Transcranial Microsurgical and Endoscopic
Endonasal Cavernous Sinus (CS) Anatomy: A Cadaveric Study. J Neurol Surg A 2012;73:296–306.30. Forhad H Chowdhury, Mohammod R Haque, Mahmudul Hasan.Micro-neurosurgical excision of dumbbell shaped very large jugular foramen schwannoma. Bangladesh J Otorhinolaryngol 2012; 18(2): 183-192
31. Raziul Haque, Forhad Hossain Chowdhury, Shafiqul Islam, Asit Chandra Sarker, Momtazul Haque. Large cerebellopontine angle tuberculoma: a case report. Neurologia i Neurochirurgia Polska 2012; 46, 2:1-49.
32.Forhad H Chowdhury, Mohammod R Haque, Kawsa r, Shamim Ara,Quazi Deen Mohammod, Mainul H Sarker, Atul H Goel. Endoscopic Endonasal Transsphenoidal Exposure of Circle of Willis (Cw); Can It be Applied in Vascular Neurosurgery in the Near Future? A Cadaveric Study of 26 Cases.J Turkish Neurosurgery 2012,22(1);68-76.
33. Forhad Hossain CHOWDHURY, Mohammod Raziul HAQUE. LUMBAR PERINEURAL CYST WITH RADICULOPATHY: A CASE REPORT. The Journal of Turkish Spinal Surgery 2012; 23 (4): 329-334
34. Chowdhury FH, Haque MR, Sarker MH. Intracranial epidermoid tumor; microneurosurgical management:An experience of 23 cases. Asian J Neurosurg 2013;8:21-8.
35. FORHAD HOSSAIN CHOWDHURY, MD. RAZIUL HAQUE, MD SARWAR MORSHED ALAM. Third Ventricular and Interpeduncular Fossa Tubercular Abscess
With Triventriculomegaly - Ventriculoscopic Surgical Management. J MEDICINE 2013; 14 : 72-7336.Forhad Hossain Chowdhury, Md. Raziul Haque Severe hypotension, cardiac arrest, and death after intracisternal instillation of papaverine during anterior communicating artery aneurysm clipping. A case report. Acta Neurochirurgica. February 2013, Volume 155, Issue 2, pp 281-282
37. Forhad Hossain Chowdhury, Mohammod Raziul Haque, Mainul Haque Sarker
High Cervical Spinal Schwannoma; Microneurosurgical Management: An Experience of 15 Cases. Acta Neurologica Taiwanica Vol 22 No 2 June 2013;59-6638.FH CHOWDHURY. Tethered Cord Syndrome with Lumbo-sacral Subcutaneous and Intradural Lipoma: An Adult Presentation. J Bangladesh Coll Phys Surg 2013; 31: 97-99
39.Chowdhury F, Haque M, Kawsar K, Alam S. Removal of cervical spinal tumor with large inferio-lateral extension through anterolateral (interscalene and transforaminal) approach. J Neurosci Rural Pract 2013;4:357-60.
40. Forhad H. Chowdhury, Atul H. Goel, Abhida Shah, Sukhdeep Jhawar, Mohammod Raziul Haque, Quazi D. Mohammod, Bodrul A. Mondol, and Shamim Ara. White Fiber Dissection of Brain: Safety of Different Commonly Used Transcortical Microsurgical Approaches to Ventricles in Relation to Damage of the Internal Capsule and Other White Fiber Tract: A Cadaveric Study. Neurosurg Q 24(1), 2014:9-17
41. Forhad H. Chowdhury, Mohammod R. Haque, and Atul H. Goel. Abducent Nerve Schwannoma: A Report of 3 Cases. Neurosurg Q 24(1), 2014:40-43
43.Chowdhury FH, Haque MR, Kawsar KA, Sarker MH, Momtazul Haque A. Surgical management of scalp arterio-venous malformation and scalp venous malformation: An experience of eleven cases. Indian J Plast Surg 2013;46:98-107
44.FH CHOWDHURY, MR HAQUE, NC SHAHA, KA KAWSAR Intractable Temporal Lobe Epilepsy from Benign and Malignant Amygdalo-hippocampal ganglioglioma;
microneurosurgical Management. A Report of Two Cases with Short Literature Review. J Banagladesh Coll Phys Surg 2013; 31: 214-21845.Kawsar K A, Haque M R, Chowdhury F H, Alam M K.A case of spastic paraplegia caused by hypertrophied ossified ligamentum flavum combined with a block vertebra.panarab journal of neurosurgery,2013,20;1-6
46. Chowdhury FH, Haque MR, Haque AFMM. Intractable temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) from tuberculoma. Microneurosurgical management by amygdalohippocampectomy with lesionectomy plus standard anterior temporal lobectomy: A case report and short review of literature. Journal of surgical science 2012,16(2);106-109
47. Chowdhury FH, Haque MR, Khan SK, Alam SM. Cerebral aspergilloma in a SLE patient: A case report with short literature review. Asian J Neurosurg 2014;9:58-61.
48. Chowdhury FH, Haque MR, Kawsar KA, Haque AFMM.Preoperative malignant looking retrobulbar,infratemporal and middle cranial fossa tuberculoma in a young child. A case report. Bangladesh journal of Medical science 2014,13(3):323-325
49. Chowdhury FH, Haque MR. Giant partially thrombosed 4th ventricular posterior inferior cerebellar artery aneurysm;microneurosurgical management.Indian journal of Neurosurgery 2014,3(3):158-162.
50. Chowdhury FH, Haque MR. C1-C3 lateral mass screw-rod fixation and fusion for C2 pathologies and Hangman”s fracture. Asian Spine J 2014,8(6):1-12
51. Chowdhury FH, Md Haque R, Kawsar KA and Haque M. Lateral Ventricular Epidermoid with Severe Coarse Tremor and Weakness in Opposite Limbs: A Rare Case Report. Austin Neurosurg Open Access. 2016; 3(2): 1048.
52. Chowdhury FH,Haque MR,Hossain Z,Chowdhury NK,Alam SM,Sarker MH. Nonmissile Penetrating Injury to the Head: Experience with 17 Cases. World Neurosurg.2016 Oct;94:529-543. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2016.06.062. Epub 2016 Jun 24.
53. Forhad Hossain Chowdhury, Mohammod Raziul Haque. Microsurgical management of benign lesions interior to the cavernous sinus: A case series. Asian J neurosurg; DOI:10.4103/1793-5482.180892
54. Chowdhury FH. Comments on “ Foster KA, Deibert CP, Choi PA, Gardner PA, Tyler-Kabara EC, Engh JA. Endoscopic third ventriculostomy as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of low-pressure hydrocephalus in adults.” Surg Neurol Int 10-Mar-2016;7:26. DOI:10.4103/2152-7806.178522
55. Forhad Hossain Chowdhury, Mohammod Raziul Haque, Jalal Uddin Mohammod Rumi, Monir Hossain Reza.Microvascular Compressicaude by Slinging a Tortuous Vertebrobasilar Artery to the Petrous Dura in Hemifacial Spasm: Technical Note. Arq Bras Neurocir 2018; 37(04): 352-361. DOI: 10.1055/s- 0038-167576456. Forhad H. Chowdhury, Mohammod Raziul Haque. Intracranial Aneurysm with Clipping VersusCoiling: Is Management Paradigm Shifting toward Microsurgical Clipping?J Curr Adv Med Res2018, 5. 39-41
57. Hossain Chowdhury F, Raziul Haque M, Khaled Chowdhury N, Islam Khan Sh, Mohammod N. Endoscopic Surgical Management of Intracranial Symptomatic Arachnoid Cyst. Iran J Neurosurg. 2018; 4(2):61-74. http://dx.doi.org/10.32598/irjns.4.2.61
58. Forhad Hossain Chowdhury1, Mohammod Raziul Haque2, Nur Mohammod. Split Cord Malformation-1 (SCM): Characteristic Neuro-imaging. Journal of National Institute of Neurosciences Bangladesh, 2016, 2( 2).103
59.Forhad H. Chowdhury,Mohammod R. Haque,Khandkar A. Kawsar,Mainul H. Sarker, Abdul Fazal Mohammod M. Haque. Result of Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy for Hydrocephalus Caused by Cerebral Aqueductal Stenosis in Infant Patients. IJNS 2017; 06(03): 189-197 DOI: 10.1055/s-0037-1607053
60.Chowdhury FH1, Haque MR2, Alam SM3, Khaled Chowdhury SMN3, Khan SI3, Goel A4.Condylar Joint Fusion and Stabilization (by Screws and Plates) in Nontraumatic Atlanto-Occipital Dislocation: Technical Report of 2 Cases. World Neurosurg. 2017 Nov;107:54-62. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2017.07.127. Epub 2017 Jul 29.
61. Forhad Hossain Chowdhury, Md Raziul Haque ,Mainul Haque Sarker Cerebrum, Cerebellum, and Deep Structures of the Brain. In book: Tuberculosis of the Central Nervous System. June 2017DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-50712-5_8
62. Zahed Hossain, Ali Akhaddar,Ahmet T. Turgut Forhad Hossain ChowdhuryBrainstem Tuberculosis. In book: Tuberculosis of the Central Nervous System .June 2017 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-50712-5_9
63 FH CHOWDHURY, MR HAQUE.Postoperative Transient Intractable Hyperacusis in Posterior Cingulate Gyrus Lesion .Banggladesh Coll Phys Surg 2016; 34: 225-22
64.Abdominal schwannoma in a case of neurofibromatosis type 2: A report of a rare combination. Asian J Neurosurg. 2017 Jan-Mar; 12(1): 89–91.doi: 10.4103/1793-5482.145347
65. FH CHOWDHURYa, MR HAQUEb, MS ISLAMc, AC SARKERd, SM ALAMSuperficial Temporal Artery-Middle Cerebral Artery Bypass (STA-MCA) for Middle Cerebral Artery Dissecting Aneurysm in a Child. J Banagladesh Coll Phys Surg 2014; 32: 94-98
66. Khandkar Ali Kawsar.Md Raziul HaqueForhad Hossain Chowdhury
Rhabdoid meningioma in the petroclival region: An atypical meningioma in an atypical site. Asian Journal of Neurosurgery2015;10( 4), 325-26 DOI:10.4103/1793‑5482.16272067. FORHAD H CHOWDHURY,1,KHANDKAR A KAWSAR,1,MOHAMMOD R HAQUE,2,HAQUE AFMM. Sigmoid Volvulus in Acromegalic Patient; Successful Surgical Management of Sigmoid Volvulus and Pituitary Macroadenoma: A Case Report. J MEDICINE 2014; 15 : 84-86
68. FH CHOWDHURY a, MR HAQUE b, MS ISLAM c, AC SARKER d, SM ALAM e. Superficial Temporal Artery-Middle Cerebral Artery Bypass (STA-MCA) for Middle Cerebral Artery Dissecting Aneurysm in a Child. J Banagladesh Coll Phys Surg 2014; 32: 94-98)
69. Khandkar Ali Kawsar,Mohammod R Haque, Forhad Hossain Chowdhury. Avoidance and management of perioperative complications of endoscopic third ventriculostomy: The Dhaka experience.Journal of Neurosurgery 2015, 123(6):1-6 DOI: 10.3171/2014.11.JNS14395.
70.Chowdhury FH, Haque MR, Kawsar KA, Sarker MH, Hasan M, Goel AH. Intracranial nonvestibular neurinomas:
Young neurosurgeons' experience. J Neurosci Rural Pract 2014;5:231-43.71. 1Forhad Hossain Chowdhury, 2Mohammod Raziul Haque, 3Khandkar Ali Kawsar, 4AFM Momtazul Haque.Progressive Quadriplegia from Kyposis in Pediatric Patient after Laminectomy for Cervical Intramedullary Tumor Excision: Case Report and Literature Review in Short. J Spinal Surg 2014;1(1):35-38
72. Md Moshiur Rahman1*, S.I.M. Khairun Nabi Khan2,Robert Ahmed Khan3, Harun Al Rashid4, Md Shamsul Alam5, Forhad Hossain Chowdhury6, Umme Kulsum Sharmin Zaman. Surgical Outcome of Endoscopic Endonasal Surgery for Non-Functional Pituitary Adenoma. Int J Med Res Prof.2018 Sept; 4(5); 168-72.
- Neuro-vascular(stroke) surgery-Intracranial Aneurysm, AVM, A-V Fistula, arterial stenosis surgery
- Skull Base surgery
- Endoscopic brain and skull base surgery
Previous Experience
- Consultant ,Surgery, Sodor Hospital Feni.
- Registrar, Neurosurgery, NINS, Dhaka
- Assistant Professor, Neurosurgery, NINS,
Special Achievement
- Member of BMDC (Bangladesh Medical & Dental Council)
- Member of BMA (Bangladesh Medical Association)
- Life Member of Society of surgeons.
- Life Member of Bangladesh Society of Neurosurgeons
Success History
- Brain Aneurysm and AVM foundation-establishment
- Pioneering in Brain vascular bypass surgery (EC-IC Bypass) in Bangladesh